Referring to raw data from a processed data CIF

James Hester jamesrhester at
Thu Aug 10 02:24:30 BST 2017

Dear Core DMG,

A question has arisen as to how one might link to raw data sets from a CIF
containing the results of processing that data. One simple solution is to
treat the raw data as a publication, and therefore include it in the
_citation loop. However, given that raw data is machine-actionable, in the
interests of smooth interoperability we should treat it specially and try
to provide as much information as would be necessary for software to
reproduce the data reduction and processing steps from the raw data.  I
therefore propose creating a separate category ("_audit_raw"?) which we
would populate in the fullness of time with information to allow this
automatic reprocessing to take place. Currently we could include DOI in
this category, but other fields will require some serious consultation with
the new CommData commission.

Any thoughts/objections?

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