[Imgcif-l] CBF - Adding binary proprietary format header dump

Justin Anderson justin at rayonix.com
Mon Sep 24 19:07:02 BST 2007

Hello everyone,

We here would, in fact, like to add our binary header to the CBF file. 
Should that just go into an additional binary section, with MIME header 
and all of that?  If so, is there any recommendation as to how we can 
refer to it in the CIF headers so that I can distinguish between the 
binary image data and our binary header data?  My inclination is to add 
the ".header_convention" column to my "_array_data" loop and fill it in 
with "RAY_1.0" or something like that for the our binary header and with 
  an empty value "" for the image data.

e.g. :

  ARRAY1 1 RAY_1.0
<<MIME header for Rayonix binary header dump>>
<<Rayonix binary header dump>>
  ARRAY2 2
<<MIME header for image binary data>>
<<Image binary data>>


Justin Anderson                    Rayonix, LLC (Formerly Mar USA)
Software Engineer                  justin at rayonix.com
1880 Oak Ave. Ste. 120             Evanston, IL, USA 60201
877.627.9729                       847.869.1548

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