[Imgcif-l] changes in CBF files?

Herbert J. Bernstein yaya at bernstein-plus-sons.com
Mon Apr 10 09:51:16 BST 2006

Dear Harry,

   Is it possible that the "cbflib 0.6" that you are using was
modified from the official release.  I cannot find any place in
the official release 0.6 versions in which that loop is handled,
which is why it also is not handled in 0.7.4.

   I am just now working on finishing the 0.7.5 release, and would be
happy to add support for more image header parameters in both
makecbf and in the newer convert_img.  A URL for your test image
would be helpful, as would a list of the header parameters you want
me to be sure to recover from the image.


At 12:22 PM +0100 4/10/06, Harry Powell wrote:
>I've just been looking at some CBFs produced by CBFLIB 0.6 and 0.7.4 and
>noticed some significant differences (these are using "makecbf" on some Q4
>images from detector SN 403 SSRL).
>makecbf (cbflib 0.6) writes incorrect values of PHI to the CBF -
>.img file:
>.cbf file:
>  phi 0.089 1.500
>The more recent version 0.7.4 doesn't write this loop, so oscillation
>information is missing from the CBF.
>Thoughts, anyone?
>Dr Harry Powell, MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, MRC Centre, Hills
>Road, Cambridge, CB2 2QH
>imgcif-l mailing list
>imgcif-l at iucr.org

  Herbert J. Bernstein, Professor of Computer Science
    Dowling College, Kramer Science Center, KSC 121
         Idle Hour Blvd, Oakdale, NY, 11769

               Office:  +1-631-244-3035
            Lab (KSC 020): +1-631-244-3451
                  yaya at dowling.edu

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