_database.dataset_doi - any problems if this might be a DOI for raw data?

James H jamesrhester at gmail.com
Fri May 27 04:09:19 BST 2022

(cross-posted to cif-developers and core DMG, apologies for cross-posting)

Dear CIF Developers and core DMG,

IUCr Journals are looking at using _database.dataset_doi to indicate the
DOI of a raw data set associated with a data block. The meaning of
"dataset" is not clear here, for example, it might have been intended to
refer to hkl listings.

So, please give feedback on any problems your software/database might
encounter if this DOI might resolve to a raw dataset.

The current definition:

" The digital object identifier (DOI) registered to identify
    a data set publication associated with the structure
    described in the current data block. This should be used
    for a dataset obtained from a curated database such as
    CSD or PDB. "

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