[computing] Crystallographic Computing School

Lutz, M.H. (Martin) m.lutz at uu.nl
Thu Mar 23 07:59:12 GMT 2023

Dear members of the Computing Commission,

the commission is organizing a Computing School as a satellite to the Melbourne congress. The school takes place between 19-Aug and 22-Aug at the Australian synchrotron in Melbourne. Registration for the school has started now.


The school is intended for programmers and software developers. It has very interesting topics and there will be great speakers. You are kindly invited to register and participate! Please also advertise this event among your colleagues and students!

Best wishes,

Martin Lutz
Structural Biochemistry
Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research
Faculty of Science
Utrecht University
Universiteitsweg 99
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. [+31] 06-22735980
<mailto:m.lutz at uu.nl>
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