[computing] IUCr congress Melbourne [SEC=OFFICIAL]

PANJIKAR, Santosh santoshp at ansto.gov.au
Tue Feb 1 00:52:24 GMT 2022

Thanks Martin,

Dear members of the computing commission,

Please see the following guidelines as circulated to us by the congress organizers:

The guidelines around selecting speakers and MS chairs are

Anybody who has been a Plenary speaker at any previous IUCr congress ( irrespective of lapsed time) cannot be a plenary speaker at the current congress.

Anybody who was a keynote or plenary speaker at either of the two previous congresses cannot be a keynote speaker at the current congress.

Anybody who served as a MS Chair (or co-chair) at the immediate past congress is ineligible to serve as chair at the current congress.  It is preferred that speakers invited to speak in a MS at the immediate past congress are not invited to speak at the current congress but they may be selected as Keynote or Plenary speakers.

Kind regards

Santosh Panjikar, Ph.D.
MX, Senior Scientist
Australian Synchrotron

From: computing <computing-bounces at iucr.org> on behalf of Martin Lutz via computing <computing at iucr.org>
Sent: Tuesday, 1 February 2022 12:19 AM
To: computing at iucr.org <computing at iucr.org>
Cc: Martin Lutz <m.lutz at uu.nl>
Subject: [computing] IUCr congress Melbourne

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Dear members of the computing commission,

next year's IUCr congress is approaching, and the international program committee will meet soon. We should start to think about suitable topics for microsymposia and suitable speakers for plenary/keynote lectures. The deadline for proposals is 1-Apr.

Please send your suggestions to our program committee members Santosh (santoshp at ansto.gov.au<mailto:santoshp at ansto.gov.au>) and Tristan (tic20 at cam.ac.uk<mailto:tic20 at cam.ac.uk>), and please keep myself in the CC (m.lutz at uu.nl<mailto:m.lutz at uu.nl>).

Below I include the message of the congress organizers.

Best wishes,

Martin Lutz
Structural Biochemistry
Bijvoet Centre for Biomolecular Research
Faculty of Science
Utrecht University
Universiteitsweg 99
3584 CG Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. [+31] 06-22735980


Our current intention is to have three plenary speakers together with approximately 35 keynote speakers and 100 microsymposia.  The role of the IPC is to nominate, and then select, the plenary and keynote speakers and to decide on microsymposia, including chairs. We will run a number of poster sessions that will be curated by the LOC.

Nominating Plenary and/or Keynote Speakers

We require the following information

  1.  Name, contact information and website details of proposed speaker
  2.  Brief (200-300 word) statement of crystallographic interest, including reference to two or three recent publications

In nomination speakers please consider the need for gender and regional diversity in the program.  This can only be achieved if the nominations reflect the diversity of our community.  There fore we ask each member/commission to nominate an even number of speakers ( 2, 4 or 6) with equal number of female and male representation

Nominating Microsymposium

Each Microsymposium requires two co-chairs ideally from different regions (ECA, ACA, AsCA, LACA, AfCA).  In proposing co-chairs please consider the need for both gender balance, and the promotion of younger crystallographers. Therefore ensure that propose an equal number of female and male co-chairs across all MS.  Each MS will have two invited (30 minute) and four contributed (20) minute talks.

We require the following information:

  1.  Title of the proposed microsymposium.
  2.  Names and contact information of proposed co-chairs.
  3.  A ca. 2-300 word abstract providing a detailed description of the microsymposium.  This will be included with the call for abstracts.
  4.  Suggestions for two invited speakers. The final choice of these will be coordinated with the co-chairs.

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