[computing] IUCr congress in Prague (2020)

Martin Lutz m.lutz at uu.nl
Mon Jan 15 10:08:48 GMT 2018

Dear commission members,

I hope that you all had a good start into the new year! Since this is my first 
e-mail after the Hyderabad meeting, I also want to welcome all of you in the new 
commission. I am looking forward to the collaboration with you.

At the beginning of the new year, we have to organize a few things. You have 
received the e-mail of Radek Kuzel and Ivana Kuta Smatanova on 6-Dec. They ask 
for nominations for a member of our commission to the program committee for the 
Prague congress. The rules for the nominations were included in their e-mail. We 
should propose more than one candidate, from which one will be selected. Please 
send your suggestions to this mailing list or to me personally. Deadline is the 
end of January.

We also should start the planning for the computing school in 2020. Please send 
me suggestions for a general theme for this school.

For the computing school I would like to establish a program committee as well. 
Because crystallographic computing addresses all areas of crystallography this 
should be reflected in the program. Beside myself, I would like to include three 
additional members:
* Biological and macromolecular crystallography
* Chemical and materials crystallography
* Non-diffraction techniques and powder methods
Please send me your suggestions.

Best wishes,

Martin Lutz
Crystal and Structural Chemistry
Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research
Faculty of Science
Utrecht University
Padualaan 8
3584 CH Utrecht
The Netherlands
Tel. [+31] 030-2533902
e-mail: m.lutz at uu.nl

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